Will This Demon Fit in My Carry-On?
Another packing toughie, like yesterday's nativity scene, this was a Pottery Town purchase. It's about 12", and the pottery is very thick. I've wanted one of these for a long time.
The figures are meant to be hung or placed on the outside of a house or construction site to protect it -- mine has a hole in the back of his head, just ready for a nail. Presumably they work by scaring away trouble. They're very common, but it wasn't obvious to know where to get a good one. Sometimes you do see them sold alongside the road.
I don't think that the demon has any particular name -- I think it's more a custom than a particular religious thing. But if anyone out there has more info, I'd love to find out more.
Hi John,
Have a safe journey back home. This monster looks a bit like Mahishasura (If you have been to Chamundi hills, his statue is on top of the hills (near the bus stand)).
I second what Cindy said - I really enjoyed reading about your experiences in India!
Take Care!
Goutham: I think you're right -- it's probably Mahishasura or maybe a close relation. By the way, that statue is probably my most favorite photo-op in all of India. So fun to make friends and others stand in front of him.
And thanks for the kind thoughts. I'm going to keep up the blog for at least a couple more months, while I think about my India stay.
From what I've been told, the demon heads that are hung on buildings being constructed are call "Evil Eyes" and it's supposed to prevent people from saying "Oh that's going to be a beautiful building" -or something like that, which would be bad luck.
That's what an Indian friend told me. It's a superstition thing.
hi,this shreyas
i am a visual artist from bombay,currently in banglore on a artist residency...i am working on the the whole notion of the demon head and the myth/habit behind it...i am documenting these heads in various parts of the city..they seem to me as always watching the happenings in this city....wil keep uupdated abt this...u can contact me at karle.shreyas@gmail.com
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