Two New Yorkers spend six months 18 months!?! in Bangalore and other places in India.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Rambo Beer Pub

Since it's almost the same as my last name, I loved the Rambo bar of Calcutta. I discouraged us from going in since it looked so grim, but maybe I shouldn't have: a backpacker site says it's "seedy and toxic-smelling," "a dive for sure," "quite famous" but also "foul and definitely not famous." Intriguing!

Anyway, "off-cum-on" means you can buy liquor for drinking off the premises as well as for drinking on the premises. Either way, we kept walking.

1 comment:

Scout said...

go to tantra in the park hotel.. or "someplace else" (yeah, that's the name). probably better than the rambo rambo john rambo.